Term of the Day

Natural History Study

A natural history study is a preplanned intended to track the course of the disease. Its purpose is to identify demographic, genetic, environmental, and other variables (e.g., treatment modalities, concomitant medications) that correlate with the disease’s development and outcomes. Natural history studies are likely to include patients receiving the current standard of care and/or emergent care, which may alter some manifestations of the disease.


Pharmacokinetics (PK)

Pharmacokinetics (PK) is the study of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body. Pharmacokinetics is concerned with the time course of drug concentrations in the body, and how these concentrations are influenced by various factors such as the dose, route of administration, and patient characteristics. Pharmacokinetic studies are an important component of drug development and clinical practice, as they provide valuable information on how drugs behave in the body, and how they can be optimized for maximum therapeutic benefit and minimum risk of side effects. Pharmacokinetic data is used to guide dosing recommendations, evaluate the safety and efficacy of drugs, and optimize treatment regimens for individual patients.

Pharmacokinetics is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates elements of chemistry, biology, mathematics, and statistics. Pharmacokinetic data is typically analyzed using mathematical models, which can be used to estimate drug concentrations over time, calculate pharmacokinetic parameters such as clearance and volume of distribution, and evaluate the effects of various factors on drug behavior.